Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Scentific

Atmosphere Generation System


Codes: HP0011 & HP0031

HP011 and HP0031 are 3.5 litre capacity Anaerobic Jars that give great flexibility in use by coping equally well with gas generation kits or Gas Cylinder input. Both Jar and Lid are made of robust materials to ensure protection of operator and equipment. The Jar has a number of design features for greater convenience in use such as it is supplied with a corrosion-resistant plate carrier that greatly reduces the time and effort needed to load the jar and that this jar will hold up to 15 petri dishes. The jar also comes with valves for the injection of gas mixtures and for the extraction of air to create a vacuum. The pressure gauge can be used for an immediate indication of positive pressure. Anaerobiosis can be indicated by using the Anaerobic Indicator BR0055 which changes colour from pink to white in anaerobic conditions.

The Anaerobic Jar may be used for the isolation of microaerophilic organisms by using the CampyGen™ CN0035 kit or used for the isolation of anaerobic organisms by using the AnaeroGen™ AN0035 kit.

The Anaerobic Jar HP0011 is part of the complete Thermo Scientific Anaerobic Growth System product range consisting of:
a) A 3.5 Litre Anaerobic Jar and a 2.5 Litre AnaeroJar™
b) AnaeroGen and CampyGen environment generating kits which are safe, fast and easy to use
c) An Anaerobic Indicator that is reliable and fast acting

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