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Oxoid is a trade name of Oxoid Ltd, a company registered in England under registration number 3291857;
the registered office address is 3rd Floor, 1 Ashley Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 2DT
Argentina | |
Bioartis SRL Simbron 4728 (1417) C.A.B.A Buenos Aires C1417 EVZ |
Lic. Nora Danuncio Tel: 00 54 11 4568 4022, 00 54 11 4568 4022 Fax: 00 54 11 4568 4022 ext 107 Email: |
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Tecnolab Estomba 964 c1427cov Capital Federal |
IMAGEN and IDEIA only Sales Manager: Roberto Faivovich Tel: 00 54 11 4555 0010 Fax: 00 54 11 4553 3331 Email: |
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Bahrain | |
Gulf Pharmacy & General Store Villa 390 Road 3009 New Zinj 330 |
Dr. Reggie D'Souza Tel: 00 973 17 232 236 Fax: 00 973 17 232 230 Email: |
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Bolivia | |
SPAN Inc. Calle Herberto Gutierrez 2475 La Paz |
Sr. Enrique Claure Tel: 00 591 224 41833 Fax: 00 591 224 33075 Email: |
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Bulgaria | |
ELTA 90M LTD 19 Dunav Str. Sofia 1000 |
Dr. Halina Pater Tel: +359 2 983 9649 Fax: +359 2 983 22 11 Email: |
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Chile | |
PV Equip SA Santa Elena de Huechuraba No 1160, Huechuraba Santiago 8590486 |
Pablo Zapararte Tel: 00 56 2 3677800 Fax: 00 56 2 274 4786 Email: |
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Colombia | |
QUIMICOS Y REACTIVOS SAS "QUIMIREL SAS" Av. Calle 24 No.95-12 Bodega 8 Portos Parque Industrial Bogota |
Sra Maria Fernanda Salamanca, Sr Mario Enrique Castro Tel: + 57-1- 4284277 ext 114/116 Fax: + 57-1- 4284255 Email: |
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Costa Rica | |
Prelab Tibas de la Nacion 50 mts Este y 200 mts Norte Apdo 1280-1100 San Jose |
Dr. Edgar Salgado Tel: 00 506 2240 4712/2297 2800/2297 2900 Fax: 00 506 2297 1206 Email: |
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Croatia (Hrvatska) | |
BOMI-lab d.o.o Gajeva 35 10000 Zagreb |
dr.sci. Radojka Calic Runje Tel: 00 385 (0) 1 4922 640 Fax: 00 385 (0) 1 4922 645 Email: |
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BIOGNOST d.o.o. Medugorska 59 10040 Zagreb |
Marija Šiprak Tel: 00385 1 2499 169 Fax: 00385 1 2456 145 Email: |
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Cyprus | |
C. Georgiou (Lab Supplies) Ltd Saronikou 6, 2035 Strovolus Nicosia |
Mr. W. Georgiou Tel: 00 357 2242 6379 Fax: 00 357 2242 9223 Email: |
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Dominican Republic | |
BDC SERRALLÉS, S.A. Av. José Contreras # 110 La Julia Santo Domingo |
Tomas Garcia - Sales Manager Tel: 00 1 809 990 8888 Fax: 00 1 809 338 8889 Email: |
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Ecuador | |
Medibac Inc S.A. Av. Las Aguas 1111 y Laureles (Urdesa Central) Guayaquil |
Juana Cedeno Tel: (593 4) 288 1414, 238 8597, 288 1887 Fax: (593 4) 238 3116 Email: |
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Egypt | |
Healthy Family Co. 8(A) 26th July Street (Sales Office) 2nd Floor Apartment 12 Cairo |
Dr. Ihab Mounir Tel: 00 202 391 1347, 00 202 3338 2020 Fax: 00 202 391 6591, 00 202 3760 3895 Email: |
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El Salvador | |
Eserki Hermanos SA de CV Antigua Calle del Ferrocarril 1522 Colonia Cucumacayan San Salvador |
Sr. Federico Ruiz de Castilla Tel: 00 503 2271 4349, 2271 6018, 2221 6173 Fax: 00 503 2271 5801 Email: |
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Estonia | |
Berner Eesti OÜ Ehitajate tee 114 Tallinn 13517 Tallinn |
Andrus Kaldma Tel: 00 372 625 7773, Mobile: 00 372 525 8661 Fax: 00 372 625 7775 Email: |
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Greece | |
Pavlos Arnaoutis SA 4 Thermopilon Str 152 33 Halandri Athens |
Mr. Paul Arnaoutis Tel: 00 30 210 685 4400 Fax: 00 30 210 685 8303 Email: |
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Guatemala | |
LABTRONIC S.A. 14 Av. 19-50 z.4 Mixco Condado Naranjo, Ofibodegas San Sebastian, Bodega 29 Guatemala |
Ing. Fernando Barrios Tel: 00 502 2246 2626 Fax: 00 502 2246 2606 Email: |
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Honduras | |
Representaciones Caceres Col. Alameda Ave. Juan Manuel Galvez Calle Principal # 712 PO Box 1423 Tegucigalpa |
Liza Caceres Tel: 00 504 232 6398, 232 5406, 232 3914, 235 4568 Fax: 00 504 239 2380, 239 0691 Email: |
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Hungary | |
Diagon Kft 1047 Budapest Baross U. 52 |
Dr. Éva Csaszar Tel: 00 36 1369 6500 Fax: 00 36 1369 6301 Email: |
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Frank Diagnosztica Kft Dereglye u.2 HU-1036 Budapest |
IMAGEN and IDEIA only Tel: 00 36 1 250 1813 or 388 3114 Fax: 00 36 1 368 5721 Email: |
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Iceland | |
MEDOR ehf Kirkjulundur 17 210 Garðabær |
Ms. Berghildur Magnusdottir, Tel: 00 354 412 7000 Fax: 00 354 412 7099 Email: |
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India | |
Thermo Fisher Scientific India Pvt. Ltd 403-404, B-Wing, Delphi Hiranandani Business Park Powai Mumbai – 400 076 |
Kejal Mistry Bhatt Tel: + 91 22 67162292 Fax: + 91 22 6680 3001/2 Email: |
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Indonesia | |
PT. Dipa Puspa Labsains JlN. Kebun Jeruk Raya No. 66 Jakarta 11530 |
Mr Lie Hiun Jung (Product Manager), Mr. Hazin Yusuf Tel: 00 62 21 535 0535, 00 62 81 5859 55666 Fax: 00 62 21 5367 5269, 5481322, 53670356 Email: |
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Israel | |
Gamidor Diagnostics (1984) Ltd PO Box 7803 Kiryat Matalon Petach-Tikva 49170 |
Ms. Hila Gilboa Fait, Product Specialist Tel: +972-(0)3-9277286 Fax: +972-(0)3-9277278 Email: |
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Japan | |
Kanto Chemicals Co. Inc. Technical Section, Life Sciences Dept. East Muromachi Mitsui Building, 20F 2-1 Nihonbashi Muromachi 2-chome Chuo-Ku Tokyo 103-0022 |
Mr. Takamasa Kaneko Tel: 00 81 3 6214 1060 Fax: 00 81 3 3241 1039 Email: |
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Jordan | |
Al-Sami Tech. Supplies Company P.O. Box 962026 Building No.114, Abdullah Gosheh Street Sport City Amman 11196 |
Ms. Ruba Mohaisen Tel: +962 6 5828596, +962 797600085 Fax: +962 6 5828576 Email: |
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Korea (South) | |
Bosung Scientific Co., Ltd. 408(Guro-dong, Kolon Digital Tower) 30, Digital-ro 32-gil, Guro-gu Seoul 08390 |
Younglim Park Tel: +82-2-6105-5630 Fax: +82-2-6105-5680 Email: |
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Kuwait | |
Central Circle Co Al Hamra Tower, Floor No. 69, Sharq Kuwait City, |
Mahmoud Hussain Tel: +965-1869869 Fax: 00 965 2566 9054 Email: |
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Lebanon | |
Scientific & Technical Supplies Co. S.A.R.L. Hamra, Makdessi street Rubeiz & Abu Zeid Bldg. P.O.Box: 113 – 5546 Beirut |
Tel: 00 961 1 343735, 343736 & 351150 Fax: 00 961 1 342094 Email: |
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Lithuania | |
Linea Libera P.O. Box 2768 Akademijos 2 LT-08412 Vilnius LT-08412 Vilnius |
Ms. Egle Kutaite Tel: 00 370 5 2638 748 Fax: 00 370 5 2638 749 Email: |
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Macedonia | |
Lab Teh DOOEL Ul. Alzirska 2/2 1000 Skopje |
IMAGEN and IDEIA only Tel: 00 389 2 3062 292 or 272 Fax: 00 389 2 3062 272 Email: |
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Lab Teh DOOEL Ul. Alzirska 2/2 Skopje 1000 |
IMAGEN and IDEIA only Tel: 00 389 2 3062 292 or 272 Fax: 00 389 2 3062 272 Email: |
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Avicena Diagnostica ul.Kacanicki pat br. 79 1000 Skopje |
Dr. Georgi Nacka Tel: +389 2 3079 700, +389 7 5206 429 Fax: +389 2 3079 400 Email: |
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Maldives | |
Hemsons International (Pte) Ltd Hemas Building 36 Bristol Street P.O. Box : 1945 Colombo - 1 |
Rapti Esufally Tel: +94 11 2327948, +94 11 2323308 Fax: +94 11 2466054 Email: |
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Malta | |
Orme Scientific Ltd N/S in Valletta Road Luqa LQA 6000 |
Mr. Ray Vella Tel: 00 356 2397 6512 & 6513 Fax: 00 356 2397 6511 Email: |
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Mexico | |
Comercial Biomedico Ramirez SA de CV Sendero de las Azucenas # 404 Co Paseo de las Puentes San Nicolas de los Garza Monterrey 66460 |
Sr Jesus Ramirez Tel: 00 52 81 83 30 86 96 Fax: 00 52 81 83 30 91 40 Email: |
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Nepal | |
Associated Enterprise (Overseas Branch) GPO Box 790 Ga 3 - 30 Pyaphal Tole Kathmandu – 3 |
Mr. Guatam M.S. Bania Tel: 00 977 1 4250 934, 4261 888 Fax: 00 977 1 4261 744 Email: |
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Netherlands Antilles | |
Farminpex N.V. Dr. M.J. Hugenholtzweg 43 P.O. Box 3716 Curaçao |
Neyla Diaz Tel: 00 599 9 462 4992 Fax: 00 599 9 462 6313 Email: |
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Nicaragua | |
Detras de Entinel Altamira #103 Managua |
Mrs. Mercedes Gomez, Sales & Marketing Manager Tel: 00 505 278 1068 or 00 505 278 1070 Fax: 00 505 278 1144 Email: |
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Nigeria | |
Vic Domstell Limited 29 Adedoyin Street Aguda Ogba Lagos |
Tel: 00234-1-850 2381 & 1-803 4744321 Fax: 00234-1-4970321 Email: |
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Oman | |
Muscat Pharmacy & Stores LLC PO Box 438 Muscat Postal Code 100 |
Mr. Henry Fernandes Tel: 00 968 2481 4501 Fax: 00 968 2481 5202 Email: |
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Pakistan | |
Musaji Adam & Sons 1 Humair Centre Hormusji Street Gari Khata, Off M.A Jinnah Road Karachi 74200 |
Mr. Muhammad Irfan Vohra or Mr. Muhammad Younus Vohra Tel: (00-92-21) 2626250 or (+) 2218972 Fax: (00-92-21) 2626251 or (+) 6321134 Email: |
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Panama | |
BioLab Internacional SA Calle 22, Edif Avangarde, Pueblo Nuevo, PO Box 0819 – 08270, Estafeta El Dorado |
Diana Mora Tel: 00 507 229 7111 Fax: 00 507 229 6424 Email: |
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Paraguay | |
Infotec SA 22 de Setiembre # 304 and Mcal. Estigarribia Postal Code 1875 Asuncion |
Gabriel Cosp Tel: 00 595 21 228 282 Fax: 00 595 21 229 349 Email: |
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Peru | |
Belomed SRL. Calle Juana Riofrio 153 Dpto, 1, Urb. Pando 4ta Etapa-Lima-San Miguel Lima |
Mr. Edgar Odria Tel: 00 51 1 566-0400 Fax: 00 51 1 566-2886 Email: |
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Philippines | |
Dakila Trading Corporation PO Box 504 Greenshill Post Office San Juan, Metro Manila 3113 Mandaluyong Rizal 3313 |
Mr. Richard Tee Tel: 00 63 2 724 75-11 to 16 or 725 8513 (DD R.Tee) Fax: 00 63 2 721 0739 Email: |
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Poland | |
Argenta Sp. Z.o.o. 60-401 Poznan ul. Polska 114 |
Slawomir Gnalicki Tel: 00 48 61 847 4637 Fax: 00 48 61 848 3477 Email: |
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Portugal | |
Clientes em Portugal são convidados a contactar Oxoid SA (Espanha) para o fornecimento de produtos Oxoid e Remel. |
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Oxoid S.A. Via de los Poblados 10 Nave 3-13 Madrid 28033 |
Tel: 0034 91 382 2021 Fax: 0034 91 763 7662 Email: |
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Oxoid Limited Wade Road Basingstoke Hampshire RG24 8PW |
Tel: 0044 1256 841144 Fax: 0044 1256 814626 Email: |
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Qatar | |
Khalid Scientific Co.W.L.L. Sheikh Khalid Building, Gulf Street, P.O Box 4349, Doha-State of Qatar |
Thomas Philip Tel: +974 4441 7371 Email: |
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Romania | |
AMS 2000 Trading Impex SRL Str. Ion Tuculescu 37a, sector 3. Bucharest |
Ms. Dunia Vago Tel: +40 21 324 70 50, 324 73 09, 324 53 05 Fax: +40 21 324 76 79 Email: |
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Russian Federation | |
BioVitrum Limited Bolshoy prospect V.O., bld 68, lit.A St Petersburg, 199106 Russian Federation |
Marina Rumyanceva Tel: 007 812 3050 606 Fax: 007 812 3050 606 Email: |
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Saudi Arabia | |
MediServ Medical Supplies & Services AL-Ahsa Street P.O. Box 17550 Riyadh 11494, |
Ghassan Albahkaly Tel: 00966 -11-478-0555 Fax: 00 966 1 454 3356 Email: |
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Slovenia | |
Tre-Gi sas International Trading & Services Via Zangrando 8 P.O. Box 809 34139 Trieste |
Dr. Roberto Sancin Tel: 00 386 040 942347 Fax: 00 386 040 946046 Email: |
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Labormed d.o.o. Zg. Pirnice 96c SLO-1215 Medvode |
IMAGEN and IDEIA only Tel: 00 386 1 362 1414 Fax: 00 386 1 362 1415 Email: |
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South Africa | |
Quantum Biotechnologies (Pty) Ltd P O Box 145 Ferndale 2160 Johannesburg |
Dr. Errol Allcock Tel: 00 27 11 792 0819 Fax: 00 27 11 792 3431 Email: |
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Sri Lanka | |
Hemsons International (Pte) Ltd Hemas Building 36 Bristol Street P.O. Box : 1945 Colombo - 1 |
Amir Esufally Tel: +94 11 2327948, +94 11 2323308 Fax: +94 11 2466054 Email: |
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Suriname | |
Kendan International N.V. Hk. Kers-/Markoesastraat 39 PO Box 12243 Paramaribo |
Mrs Magda S. Habibuw, Executive Manager Tel: 00 597 491 040 Fax: 00 597 491 044 Email: |
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Thailand | |
Clinical Diagnostics Ltd. Part 126 Jarunsanitwong Road Soi 67 Bangplad Bangkok 10700 |
Mr. Ugrit B. Vinyanant Tel: +66 2 8811 700 Fax: +66 2 8811 709 Email: |
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Trinidad and Tobago | |
Central Medical & Industrial Supplies Co. Ltd. #103 Penco Street Chaguanas |
Mr. Kenny Ali Tel: 868-665-4370, 868-671-5644 Fax: 868-672-5571 Email: |
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Turkey | |
Hemakim Tibbi Urünler San. Ve Tic. AS. Tophanelioglu Cad No. 70/1A Altunizade 34662 Istanbul |
Cenk Ozgur Tel: +90 216 326 7042 Fax: +90 216 340 1689 Email: |
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United Arab Emirates | |
Alphamed PO Box 11245 Dubai |
MUSTAFA ABU SAADA Tel: +971 4 8105555 Email: |
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Uruguay | |
(Clinical) Biokey SRL Juan A. Guzman 3189 Montevideo |
Sr. Gaspar Fernandez, Maria Teresa Orsero Tel: 00 598 2 480 7953 Fax: 00 598 2 487 1161 Email: |
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(Industrial) Eleco SA Román García 1086 CP 11 700 Montevideo |
Sr. Fernando Santisteban, Abraham Waserman Tel: 00 598 2 304 68 88 Fax: 00 598 2 304 21 41 Email: |
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Venezuela | |
Distribuidora Proteus CA Colinas de Bello Monte, Avenida Neveri C.C. Los Chaguaramos Piso 19, Oficina 19-8 Caracas 1040 |
Dra. Coromoto Sandoval, Alexander Diaz Tel: 00 58 212 414-55-23 Fax: 00 58 212 662-59-23, 693 9245 Email: |
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Vietnam | |
Life Technologies Representative Office Lau 1, So 27-31, Duong 9A, Khu Dan Cu Trung Son, Binh Chanh, Ho Chi Minh City |
Mr. Do Phu Hung - Representative Sales Tel: +84 906 373 669 Email: |
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Yemen | |
Ard Al-Ganatain Co.Ltd Post Box No.3259 Sana’a |
Mr Lal Kumar Tel: 00967 1 274383 Fax: 00967 1 274384 Email: |
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