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The quality of water used for reconstitution of dehydrated culture media can affect the performance of the medium being prepared. The quality of the water must be regularly monitored and maintained by the Microbiology Department.

Fresh, high quality water prepared by distillation, de-ionisation, or reverse osmosis is recommended for the satisfactory reconstitution of culture media. Tap water should not be used as it contains impurities such as calcium and magnesium and their metal ion traces. In addition chlorine and fluorine will alter the characteristics of selective media. In areas of hard water, it is advisable to soften the water prior to distilling. Condensed boiler distillate should not be used owing to the carry-over of chemicals used to treat the water (Gifford 1960). Boilers have also been known to contaminate media during autoclaving (Human 1979). It may be necessary to add trace elements to media in order to allow fungi to exhibit characteristic morphologies (King et al 1991). However, tap water is too variable in its ion content to be considered.

Equipment for preparing de-ionised or distilled water should be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The conductivity of the water should be within the manufacturer's range, typically under 10 micro Siemens/cm. It is advisable not to exceed a maximum limit of 15 micro Siemens. The conductivity and pH should be checked daily. A high conductivity reading indicates a malfunctioning still or de-ioniser cartridge. Portable conductivity meters are widely available and are suitable for this purpose.

The pH of water is difficult to measure accurately because of its low ion content (Hunt 1985). The pH of the water should, however, be checked if there is a problem with the medium. The pH can be measured by adding 0.3ml of saturated KCl solution to 100ml of the de-ionised water before using a calibrated pH meter. A pH of 6 is considered typical and satisfactory for the majority of culture media.

Water should be stored for as short a period as possible owing to potential build up of algal and bacterial colonies, especially Bacillus spp., in stills and de-ionisers. Store media in clear glass sealed containers. Water stored in polyethylene can become acid on storage, whereas soda glass can give an alkali drift in pH. The use of metal containers or contact with pipework may risk leaching of metallic ions into the water.

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